I'd love to know more about this mystery doll

My boyfriend purchased this doll from an antique shop, the mm didn't know much about her but let him have her cheap like he wanted to get rid of her.

I love her and would love to know how old roughly she is. She's over 2 foot and has a fabric face, one of her legs is broken off but they are made from clay I think.

She has no hands, just fabric stumps. Her dress is a satin material and the brown bit is a suedey material.

Thanks in advance for any info.

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Nov 01, 2015
my doll
by: Anonymous

Thanks for your reply, her face is fabric and does have furry eyelashes stuck on. She has faded red lipstick on and faded eyes, she has rusty nails in the side of her head which I though might of been to hold her hair in as there is 3 along the hair line poking out slightly. Her clothes don't come off but surely a boudoir doll would wear more glamorous clothing? She's also has a plastic bead necklace on

Oct 29, 2015
1940's Boudoir Doll
by: Dr. Noreens's Doll Hospital

She is a 1940's Boudoir doll usually quite showy with long satiny gowns and mohair stapled to a composition head. Her paint appears to be missing...but they had highly made up faces with black eye liner and lashes, rosy cheels and even a beauty mark. As I said--your doll appears to be missing the paint.

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