Please help me with J.D.K. 247 doll

by Betty Foster
(South Paris, Maine)

J.D.K. on Seeley jointed body

J.D.K. on Seeley jointed body

Hi, I just purchased this doll and I know nothing about dolls. I am asking for your help as to the real deal here or a reproduction?

Your help will be so appreciated. I can not sell until I have this information.

Writing on back of head reads;

I am not sure that that is T.C. before Germany. Also what looks like a hand incised W A B5 in cursive lettering.

The jointed compo like body is stamped Seeley or at least that's what I see.

Please help, what have I got here? She is about 17 inches long.
Thank you.

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Jan 08, 2016
Repro Kestner
by: Anonymous

Hi, so sorry but you've purchased a reproduction doll. This doll would be on a baby body as well so the reproduction isn't even correct. Hope you did not pay much for it. Just a hint on antique dolls, they were not cast in pink bisque but were cast in white with a color wash over the white bisque. Also, you might want to purchase a good identification book and learn more about dolls before trying to deal in them. It helps a ton.

Apr 01, 2012
In answer to your question on the JDK 247
by: Doll Lover

Bad news. Your doll is a reproduction. Not even a good one. Also that head was always on a baby body or a side hip jointed Toddler body, not on a jointed Child body.

Oct 18, 2011
by: Dr. E's Doll Museum

She is lovely, but needs some work, possibly restringing, and an appropriate dress. The Chili Doll Hosptial in New York could help you, or locate a doll hospital in your area. Also, try The Blue Book value books by Jan Foulke, or Denise Van Patten's guide to dolls for value. I think a redressed, restrung doll in good shape is worth about 40% of book value, but that's just me. Kestner was an interesting guy, and there is a book called Kestner, King of Doll Makers. Good Luck.

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